Barry Smyth
but the thought could not be spoken.
with two hearts they shared one pulse
a new rythmn in both awoken.
With two lips they exchanged one kiss
and passion burned bright within,
With one smile they both agreed
that a journey should begin.
With one step the rain disappeared
and the sun began to shine.
With the second step the skies turned to blue
as worries were left behind.
with the third step one looked back
and the rythm they shared it faltered.
And passions flame dimmed once again
as the pluse they shared was altered.
Yet with two minds they share a thought
and the thought remains the same,
For the journey they're on has just begun
and they've still many steps to claim.
So the pluse they share will beat stronger
as passions flame burns high,
for eventually this is apt to be
when two walk forward side by side.
So no matter where we are now
whatever the obstacles there are sure to be,
please take one hand and understand
that I'd have you forward with me.

Copyright © Barry Smyth, all rights reserved