You Don't Deserve Him
Barry Smyth
a cancer eating him from within,
his love for you, you who don't deserve him.
Already his wrist has dripped rubies
his anger expressed, tempered by wisedom thankfully,
his anger at you, you who don't deserve him.
His love for you consumes him and he lives in hope,
a hope no doubt you will convince him to be real
you who don't deserve him.
And so I look on, relegated to the sidelines
and in my heart I hold onto something real
not like you, you who don't deserve him
You'll let him hear what he wants to hear
anything to pass the time for you
you who don't deserve him
and in doing so deny him of anything real
while the darkness grows and threatens his very sanity.
You put him in danger you who don't deserve him.
So I will wait as it's the only thing I can do
and hope that wisedom pervails and he escapes
from you, you who don't deserve him.
And maybe, just maybe the spark can become a flame
and in the flame his cancer burnt away as you
fade to a memory, you who dont deserve him
Until then I wait, crying silently, what else can I do.

Copyright © Barry Smyth, all rights reserved